A Man's Needs

Below is a list from men around the country that either spoke or sent the comments in to Dr. Laura. They are great and every married woman should strive to meet her husband's needs! We are selfish when we constantly think about our needs and our feelings and forget that MEN have feelings and needs too and in reality.......if you meet his needs, yours will be met in return. ; )

A Man's Needs

  • A man needs to feel strong and needed as a protector for women - basically, to conquer the beast and rescue the fair maiden.
  • What every man wants is for his woman to make him feel that he is strong and the head of the household. I am not talking caveman-style, dragging the woman around by her hair, but just as the leader of the family.
  • A man wants respect, kindness, and love from his woman.
  • A man wants to be put on a pedestal, not so that he can look down on everyone, but to show him that he is the most important thing to his woman.
  • A man needs his woman to show him that she needs his strength to help her through life.
  • The man should be the major breadwinner in the family. Every man needs a battle or war to win to prove to himself that he is strong and capable of conquering any and all dragons that life throws his way. Taking care of his family by working and providing are his battles.
  • A man needs enthusiastic approval, appreciation, and respect from his wife for being a competent man, husband, and father.
  • A man needs his wife to show some interest in his interests, especially when it's an activity she may not "get" or like. Just being there is important.
  • A man needs his wife to greet him after work with love and enthusiasm.
  • A man needs his wife to care about the day he's had.
  • A man needs to know that his wife is sexually satisfied by him.
  • A man needs his wife's encouragement in order to be a man.

These are all tried and tested! They work....he WILL treat you like a queen if you start treating him like a man and let him be the leader of the home.