I used to do 7-14 loads of laundry a week and I'm not kidding! I would do small, frequent loads and didn't realize how much it was costing us to use the washer/dryer everyday UNTIL I switched to doing it all in one day. Now I have it down to 5 loads most weeks, unless I'm washing rugs, bed sheets or our comforter. Not only do you only have to wash laundry once-a-week, but you save on electric and water costs because you are washing extra-large loads instead of several small loads daily. It really does add up and is more efficient and takes less time this way.
I start as soon as I wake up on Monday morning by throwing a load in the wash. I don't have to sort because it's already sorted with that great laundry unit I posted about here. It is so handy to just grab a bag and throw it in the wash! For towels/rags, I keep those in a tall basket with holes so it has air and won't grow mold. I also try to air-out my rags before I put them in the basket so they aren't so wet.
Here are my main 5 loads and water temp:
- Whites - hot
- Colors - warm
- Delicates - cold; sometimes 2 loads
- Husband's Work Clothes - cold
- Towels & Rags - hot
Then my "as needed" loads:
- Rugs - I usually throw them in if there is room in the towel/rag load
- Shower Curtain - once a month I throw it in with the towels/rags load
- Bed sheets - once a month wash all the bed sheets; it is best to have extra sheets for the beds on hand to change weekly and then wash them all together once a month.
- Comforter - once a month wash
You may remember from my cleaning marathon post that I wash the towels/rags load at the end of my cleaning - that way my dirty rags don't just sit in the hamper. I also fold as I unload from the dryer because I've found that if I put them in a basket, they just SIT there lol! It really only takes 5 minutes to fold a load fresh from the dryer.

I do not dry a lot of my delicates, I hang them up on hangers on the shower rod to dry. In the summer, you can hang them outside to dry on a clothes line but I've always hung them indoors. I use low-heat for the other delicates and my husband's work clothes.