I make enough pizza sauce to last us for two months. I divide it so that we have enough for 2 pizzas on Friday, using the leftovers on Saturday for lunch. We used to only make one pizza and this sauce would have lasted us 4 months but now we are utilizing the extra pizza for leftovers. On Friday morning, I sit one of these on the counter from the freezer and by the time I make the pizzas it is thawed completely. I also normally do these in Ziploc bags but when I went to get them, I was out, so I had to use the containers we normally use for spaghetti and jam.

I couldn't find the recipe for the pizza sauce I use on Crystal's website (The Family Homestead), so I'm posting it here. The one she has up now does not include the soy sauce. I'm pretty sure this pizza sauce recipe came from her though, I've been using it for 8 years or so now!
Adapted from Crystal's recipe at The Family Homestead
Bulk Pizza Sauce
makes about 14 cups (enough for 14 X-large pizzas)
106 oz. Tomato Sauce
24 oz. Tomato Paste
1/2 cup Italian Seasonings
2 tsp. crushed garlic
4 tsp. soy sauce
4 tsp. salt
Mix together with a whisk and divide into freezer bags or containers.
We used to have spaghetti every Tuesday but now we just have it twice a month but I still need spaghetti sauce for my lasagna casseroles, which take 4 cups of sauce per casserole. I left 4 cups of sauce in my measuring cup because I'm making my 2 lasagna casseroles today. Here is the batch I make with a large 106 oz. tomato sauce can:
This recipe makes 16 cups of sauce for 4 lasagna casseroles with enough leftover for 2 spaghetti meals.
Adapted from Crystal's recipe at The Family Homestead
Bulk Spaghetti Sauce
makes about 19 cups
106 oz. Tomato Sauce
24 oz. Tomato Paste
60 oz. Diced Tomatoes
4 tsp. Salt
1/2 cup Italian Seasonings
Mix together with a whisk and divide into freezer bags or containers.
As you can see the only difference between pizza and spaghetti sauce is the diced tomatoes, soy sauce and garlic. You can use garlic in your spaghetti sauce too though, but the soy sauce is normally just used in the pizza sauce. You use diced tomatoes in spaghetti sauce to make it more liquid but you leave it out in the pizza sauce so it is thicker. These are easy to make in bulk when you purchase those 106 oz. huge cans of tomato sauce, which is what I do! Two of those cans lasts us 2 months of lasagna, spaghetti and pizzas. We only need 12 of those a year and we buy them in bulk for just $56 a year for the organic sauce.