Our society began the degradation of men in the name of women's rights. Under the guise of liberating the woman and being "free" to have a career, they skillfully made men obsolete and only to be used to help the woman gain whatever it was she wanted. Now, we are left with a culture that came from these Godless women. A culture that hates children. A culture that thinks it is a WOMAN'S right to kill her baby and thus, a culture that says murder is a right - but only for women, because if the other half of the baby's DNA wanted to kill the baby, that would go against a woman's right. We currently have a woman of this mindset running to be President, she is on a mission to have that final stomping ground over her husband, she must conquer him at all costs and she will be, basically already is, the virago queen of feminists everywhere. However, she will never be satisfied, though she trample over man and reaches the top, because she was made to be what God intended and seeking after the opposite is a endless endeavor.
Is it is any wonder that we have a society full of fornication, adultery, pedophilia, gender-confusion, homosexuality and all other manner of perversions? No, it was and still is something that originated from a woman. Men have become the laughingstock of the entertainment of our society. They are constantly ridiculed, made a spectacle of and demeaned to be lower then women. Are men ok with this? They seem to be because I don't see a men's rights movement coming in the future. They are deadly silenced by the mighty woman.
What will it take to bring the respect back to men? It will take women returning to ladies for men to return to gentlemen. The power is still in the hand of the woman because men have proven to be weak by allowing women to rise to where they are now. I'm not saying women should be beneath men - although these women seem to think it is ok for men to be there - but I'm saying they should be who God made them to be; man's help meet.
I have to be careful that in my own marriage and dealings with other men that I don't allow the degradation-mentality to infiltrate my thoughts and words. It is difficult to grow up in a society that drills it into you in every aspect of your life from public schooling to music and movies. I've had to eradicate a lot of junk that was fed into me that I didn't even realize the spirit behind it as a growing child and then a woman. Putting God's Word into our minds and constantly renewing our minds through it is a big factor in this purging process. However, not allowing certain messages through media to enter our thoughts is also important. We are truly in the world but we are not to be of it.
The silent women that do follow God's Word and are the Biblical model of a woman, wife and mother need to arise and make their presence known if we are ever going to win back the minds of women. So many older women are realizing they bought into the lie. As they sit lonely, unmarried by choice and childless by choice, it is too late for them and there are no do-overs. They are realizing that the corporate career is not so fulfilling as they once thought and won't be there holding their hand at death's door. These are the women that are starting to voice their mistakes and warn the younger generation to not chase after careers by forsaking motherhood and the family. It is time the world listens and it is time to start a new revolution, that of returning home.