We broke a lot of plates and mugs over the past few years and I finally realized we need to buy a new set. We also needed to replace our plastic plates, bowls, cups, etc. too because honestly, I have no idea if they have BPA or not, and I think a lot are from when my daughter was little! Some were hand-me-downs or free. So, I got rid of almost everything and simplified with some nice porcelain dinnerware and mugs and then a plastic set for cold food and acrylic cups for drinking cold drinks or water. I had the cups in another cabinet by the sink but I decided to try and fit everything together in one cabinet by the stove and it worked great!

I'm so glad the warmth is finally here because I can hike most days again, thankfully! The daffodils bloomed today in our neighborhood as the first signs of spring are here! I can't wait till spring is in its full glory - it is one of the most beautiful sights to see in this area. Here are some hiking pics from the past few weeks and today:
Just 10 more school weeks until my baby girl crosses that finish line! She asked us all to pick t-shirts for her graduation to wear and I found the perfect one for me:
And lastly, let me leave you with something my daughter was reading in her economics book, how true it is!