Why are we supporting legislation to help women with child care costs when they should be raising their own children at home? We should only be helping women who are single or have husbands that can't work - you know, the ones who actually need it? How about being content with your husband's wages and raising your children, like everyone else does that makes it on one income? Put aside greed, your selfish desires, your "success" and follow after God's design for women - being a mother! Novel thought I know.
Save the food stamps, housing, child care costs, etc. for those who NEED it - the disabled and single. Quit stealing the working man and his family's money!!
That goes for school too - why do we support a socialism-based schooling system where everyone has to pay for it? Pay for your own! Leave the funded-school for those that NEED it.
If you keep milking the system and stealing from others - you will keep saying the same ole' rhetoric that you can't make it on one income. I've got a newsflash for you - God's way works and He blesses you for obedience!!
*Unfortunately the medical world and insurance companies have made it almost impossible for ANYBODY but a millionaire to afford the medical costs today. What needs to happen is the costs to go down and bring back affordable premiums and costs. Until then, we have Christian-sharing ministries to help afford the costs if your employer doesn't provide a low-cost plan.